Monday, May 7, 2012

Montana, Part 1: Going North

Note: The Montana posts will be heavy with pictures! 

The little guy had not met most of my family in Montana and we were craving Pork Chop John's (I was craving, not really we), so north we must go. My grandmother, mom, and aunts, uncles, and cousins live in and around Butte and Bozeman. Bozeman and the Bridger range is probably my favorite area to visit. I cannot put my finger on why that is but it is true. I cannot wait to get back there, go hiking, camping, and even just walk around downtown.

Just to be clear, we did take a short trip south to St. George when tiny was first born so we had a trial 'travel' run. We had a good idea of what gear to bring so we packed the car all up and zoomed north.

The ride normally takes about 6 hours and we made it in under 7 hours. Not bad. We stopped once at the Army Surplus Store just to stretch our legs and for a snack.

When we first started traveling, we posted about the clothes we were excited to hear about and use. We still have the clothes that we bought for that first trip and we used them to travel to Europe several more times. The clothes have held up well and still look great. In addition to the clothes, we thought it would be helpful to mention some gear that we use. With the newest addition to our pack, we cannot leave home without:

  • Pack and Play Crib (if you are staying in a hotel ask if they have one for you to use!)
  • Bjorn (We have a black one courtesy of the Tots but they come in all sorts of neat colors now!)

Check garage sales and buy these items used! We got one pack and play crib for $25 and it is in great condition, hardly used.

Other than that, just some clothes and diaper stuff and we are set. I would like to point out that the little guy is only 7 months so we can travel on the light end. We don't need much in the way of baby supplies now but as he gets older that will change. We also figure that if we get in the habit of traveling with a baby, it will only get easier.

We did see beautiful skies and landscapes on the way. There was also a truck with giant wheels!

PS: Tiny guy wore his best onesie (purchased at WeChooseJoy on Etsy) just to me Great Grandma Green!

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